Monday 9 February 2015


Go day!  First day today off the exercise every day month .... Needs a catchier title.

Had a wee set back - couldn't find my gym membership which may be indicative of how often I've gone to the gym lately!

I've decided to try out a HIIT type of work out (find out more about HIIT here.  ) with a different routine every day, so I'll be lemma likely to skip one ... Hopefully!  Thought I'd throw in a weight training day on the weekend and have swimming laps for days when I hurt.  This may be tomorrow!

So day one I did:

30 second intervals of:
High kicks ( touching toes)

Back lunges

Squats with shoulder press (5kg weights in hand)

Skier swings (5kg weights).

Mountain climbers

A minute break in which I lie on the floor gasping
And repeat
And repeat

Then 3x10 dips on the bench... Because I'm good at them and they make me feel good :)

Think I may also accidentally be a bit eco friendly doing this - not heading to the shower sleepy and straight out of bed, I showered in 1/3 of the usual time.  Civilised.

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