Tuesday, 17 February 2015


So the end of the first week!  I managed to do exercise everyday!  .... Although, the weekend and monday was a bit half hearted, Monday there was no way I was waking up early and it ended up with my boyfriend sitting on the couch watching my pathetic attempts at sit ups being "motivational"!.

So after Tuesday doing my HIIT routine day one.

Wednesday, I headed off to Clapham for a Jazz class with an old dancing friend.  It was great, it made me feel like one of those fat kids in class who couldn't touch their toes, but it was great fun.  The teacher definately heard us laughing about how stiff and unfit we were beofre class, so spent the first 20minutes making us jump and crunch continuously.  This cripped my stomache for the week!

We accidentally timed it so that we finished (well, after a drink) at the same time as the Chelsea football game and ended up awkwardly commuting home in spandex pants with a bunch of drunk football hooligans.

Thursday and Friday were back at the gym, another HIIT day and a wieght ttraining day (I'll post my different routines later).  It's been nicce getting up early and hitting (haha punny) the gym before work, makes it feel like you aren't just going to work and coming home to go to sleep.  By the time I've gotten to work, I've already been awake for 3 hours!

Saturday, Valentines and also our anniversary.  The BF had organised a brilliant suprise day packed full of eating and wandering.  The exercise I'm counting was the self guided street art tour around East London - While not being full on, we did end up walking for about 4 hours.  Which I think is descent.

Sunday - Finally the $50 bike I bought to cycle to work .... eventually, is in working order, so we took it for a spin.  Although, it turns out there are still a few bus in it (minor things like the rear tyre won't stay straight!) so it definately wasn't that far!

So all up, it's going ok.  Mondays are a struggle - I haven't managed to get up two Mondays in a row now (this is why this ot of 21days starts on a Tuesday) and with how busy things are at work at the moment there isn't really time to catch up after work.

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